Common Problems

Dry Skin / Beard Itch

Beard itch is probably the most common problem among bearded people. This is completely normal, especially in the stubble stages of growth as your skin is not used to producing enough oil for both your face and facial hair. The oil our skin naturally produces is called sebum, which is vital for beard growth as our skin can't produce enough for both jobs. jojoba oil is very similar to sebum oil which is why it is used in a lot of beard products as it is very beneficial to us. Hydration, cleanliness and moisturization is key to help reduce dry, itchy skin and is why beard oil can dramatically help reduce these problems if used with a healthy regimen.

Razor Burn / Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs and razor burn can be a pain to deal with when shaving, but I found that using something as simple as a small hair clippers does wonders. Clean shaving irritates the skin a lot more than a clippers, as the clipper blades don't actually touch the skin, which prevents razor burn. I found that getting as close to the skin on my neck as possible when trimming saved me a lot of hardship. Although it won't look as 'clean' as clean shaving, it certainly got rid of razor burn and ingrown hair problems within a month. If however you prefer to clean shave then I recommend using a single blade as this causes less irritation as opposed to a 5-blade razor.